Golang App Development

Golang Development Company

Develop high-performance and heavy-load apps with the best Golang Development company. Hire Golang developers, project managers, marketing experts and QA specialists to complete complex tasks smoothly. With a highly robust programming language like Golang having powerful libraries & packages, we deliver intuitive apps.
Who We Are

Our Expertise at a Glance​



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Golang Web App

Secure Apps with Golang Web App Solutions

As dependable Golang development services, we are equipped with in-house teams of talented Golang developers that offer Golang game development, testing, mobile and web development and a range of other services. We build simple to complex apps for start-ups and enterprises with Golang functionalities.

Compatible and Innovative Solutions

Golang is the perfect framework for modern hardware. Our Golang app development solutions can be utilized for different operating systems and platforms. Golang helps developers generate clean and efficient code and speed up the development process. Our Golang web developers work on complex projects to offer a bright future for your business. Building scalable apps with Golang is much easier.

Distributed Network & Cloud-Native Apps

Golang allows several people to access the data simultaneously. Distributed network services allow the distribution of the load among multiple systems. In case of any error, it will not disturb all systems which helps cut down the downtime. We deploy cloud-native apps to improve the scalability, safety and performance of your software. Golang ensures scalable software while using fewer resources than other languages.

Golang App Solutions

Business-Ready Apps with Golang App Solutions

Build result-oriented and custom apps with Golang’s amazing features. Our expert Golang team is updated with the modern trends and frameworks related to Golang. Hire Golang experts to build reliable enterprise-grade apps to streamline business activities.

Banking Application

Several companies combine Golang with microservices. Banking apps focus on the principle of single responsibility where a single module manages a single functionality. Golang is the perfect fit for such banking apps.

e-commerce Applications

E-commerce apps prefer Golang as it can handle large volumes of traffic with ease. E-commerce sites need a fast-caching service. Golang helps such e-commerce apps accelerate the speed from 2.5 secs to 250 milliseconds.

Music Applications

Golang as a WYSIWYG language helps build music apps with an efficient maintenance process. Static typing and fast compilation of Golang mean faster development, testing, and deployment of the app. Our Golang Development Services ensure high-quality, scalable, and reliable music app development solutions.

Project Management App

Golang allows the creation of a perfect time-tracking app. It helps create a sufficient, super-fast and lightweight app with its multithreading feature.

Live Streaming App

Golang plays an important role in helping the app manage real-time and high-scale messaging and chat services. Its concurrent processing features allow live streaming apps to process & send loads of chat messages faster.

Ride Sharing Applications

Ride-sharing apps need a faster framework like Golang to handle loads of queries. With high latency and high performance, Golang helps ride-sharing apps to function seamlessly.

File-Sharing apps

File storage apps need better performance and Golang is the ideal choice for the same. With concurrency capabilities, Golang enables file-sharing apps to manage tons of user requests parallelly at a faster pace.

Enhanced Digital Journey with Golang Development Services

Helius, one of the best Golang Development Companies offer competitive Golang web & mobile solutions to help you embark on an enhanced digital journey. Our Golang developers use Golang structures to build powerful custom apps with advanced web methodologies, technologies, methodologies and tools. Also, we believe in detailed reporting all through the development phase to gain the client’s trust. We build backend solutions using Golang that help us integrate almost 1000 microservices.

Custom Web App Development

  • We use Golang’s coding efficiency to create robust web apps that scale in the long run.
  • We build custom web solutions with modern coding features of Golang for small, medium and large businesses.

Cloud-Native Applications

  • Use the strength of Golang to build and launch flexible and powerful cloud-native applications.
  • We leverage the multiple benefits of Golang like built-in concurrency assistance to create modern apps.

Golang API & Microservices

  • Our expert Golang developers build Golang-supported microservices to deliver excellent performance and robust apps.
  • Hire Golang developers from our team to build exceptional microservices that match your business goals.

Support & Maintenance

  • We help you maintain your existing Golang app, and resolve issues if any for uninterrupted app functioning.
  • With convenient support options, we let our clients run their mobile and web apps without any